Monday, January 28, 2008


So many things are annoying me, from last week to next week, constantly.
(Deep breath~~)

The first thing is I was officially dumped into the single market, I pretty much doubt that if it is a good situation for me. I hate admitting that I am in pain, still. I turned to TV show and i picked up a line from The ghost whisper: The main idea is letting life go on. Actually I was totally a loser through all these years in relationships when i looked back. After all I tried so hard to be a selfish, cold-blood and sly woman.

The second thing is ..My laptop! where did they send it?? Where it goes? I have been holding the phone for 40 min contacting the server, one answered me. WTF.

And here comes the third thing, i built a new charactor on a new server in World of Warcraft. A Blood elf Rogue. Although i have got some friends help me lvl, it gonna take a long time to hit 70...with so much homework in hand. BTW, i got a job as a dishwasher at Den, which is easy but boring. I have 16 work hours on the schedule for this week., so i wont have much time left for WOW. Hopefully everything will get better next week.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The best way to learn a foreign language

It seems that for most people there are two paths leading to a foreign language : in class and on one's own. I think the best condition for a learner who is willing to manage a foreign language is being in a foreign country. Now I am actually in Canada, learning English. If I want to learn French, I will probably go to Quebec. One advantage of living in Canada is, most people here are possiblely speaking more than two languages.

To Attend a language school is a good way, to pick a language in normal life is another way to go. I prefer to join them two together. Learners can get basic education of one language in class, from a tutor or a teacher. The point is, a language is like a tool, it is supposed to be used in life. I can always pick up some now slangs or new words when I am walking on the street or shopping at market.

This post starts getting boring....but I still deciede to keep it in that way. huh!

Gaining some basic things like Grammar rules and spelling rules is the main advantage of class teaching. While using a language depends on the chances in our normal lives. Mostly it should be taken on one's own. I think everyone who is learning a foreigh language has his/her own way to go.